Peter Torok
Imperial College London
London, United Kingdom
Member Area
- , Lyon, France
Brillouin microscopy is an emerging optical imaging and spectroscopy technique which allows probing mechanical properties of living cells using light. Mechanical forces have recently identified as key players in cell, tissue and developmental biology as they are thought to regulate a number of different properties and behaviours. Brillouin microscopy offers the ability to measure these mechanical properties in a non-invasive manner with high spatial and temporal resolution in living cells, and also gives access to internal structures, i.e. it is not restricted to surface measurements, unlike many other techniques (e.g. atomic force microscopy). By mixing lectures and hands-on classes, this workshop aims at bringing this emerging technique closer to the life science scientists.
This course is aimed at researchers who are applying or planning to apply Brillouin microscopy to their research and wish to acquire more knowledge and hands-on training on this technology.
You will gain an overview of this advanced microscopy method, including its advantages and limitations. You will gain an insight in its applications and pitfalls as well as recommendations from experts. You will meet top industrial actors that offer state-of-the-art solutions. After this course you should be able to assess the potential of the technique and apply it to your own research.
Peter Torok
Imperial College London
London, United Kingdom
Kareem Elsayad
Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities
Vienna, Austria
Silvia Caponi
Istituto Officina dei Materiali c/o Dipartimento di Fisica e Geologia
Perugia, Italy
Frédéric Caupin
Giuliano Scarcelli
University of Maryland
Georges Fytas
Max Planck Institute for polymer science
Robert Prevedel
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Heidelberg, Germany
Alberto Bilenca
Biomedical Engineering Department Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Be'er-Sheva, Israel
Thomas Dehoux
University de Lyon
Lyon, France
Jérémie Margueritat
University de Lyon 1 Institut Lumière Matière — UMR CNRS 5306
Lyon, France
Tentative Programme
Time | Activity |
12:00 – 13:00 | Arrival & welcome buffet |
13:00 – 14:00 | Lecture 1 |
14:00 – 15:00 | Lecture 2 |
15:00 – 15:30 | Coffee break |
15:30 – 18:00 | Practical 1 – Basics of a tandem Fabry-Pérot Spectrometer |
18:00 – 22:00 | “Pint of science”: What is your Research topic |
Time | Activity |
9:30 – 10:30 | Lecture 3 |
10:30 – 11:00 | Coffee break |
11:00 – 12:00 | Lecture 4 |
12:00 – 13:00 | Lunch break |
13:00 – 16:00 | Practical 2 – Probing biological samples with TFP and VIPA setup |
16:30 – 17:00 | Coffee break |
16:30 – 17:30 | Lecture 5 |
17:30 – 18:30 | Lecture 6 |
18:30 – 20:00 | Free time to visit the city |
20:00 – 22:00 | Dinner |
Time | Activity |
9:30 – 10:30 | Lecture 7 |
10:30 – 11:00 | Coffee break |
11:00 – 12:00 | Lecture 8 |
12:00 – 14:00 | Open discussions around a lunch |
The course is limited to 25 participants. The course is supported by the COST BioBrillouin Action. 10 selected eligible participants from COST BioBrillouin Action member labs will receive financial support to attend the course. The stipend will cover travel costs, accommodation, lunches and gala dinner. For selection purposes, please note that your application will not be considered without a letter of motivation. It should include :
your relevant skills, experience and qualifications showing why you would be suitable for the course.
explanation of why you would like to attend, including what you can contribute and how you think you will benefit from the course.
Motivation letter length: The maximum limit of 2000 characters (ca. 200 words) refers to manually typed text (spaces included).
Free field text length: The maximum characters for your answers in the free field text boxes is 255 (spaces included).
The deadline for submissions is December 1st.
For participant that do not receive COST support, registration fees will be asked that include admission, course materials, meals and coffee breaks. All participants are expected to book and pay their own accommodation and travel expenses.
Academia: 200 Euro
NO visa support letters will be issued until payment of the registration fee is confirmed.
The registration fee should be paid only after acceptance to the course. The results will be announced approximately 2 weeks after the application deadline.
The school will be held mainly in the Kastler building of the Institute for Light and Matter, in campus La Doua.
Single rooms (breakfast included) have been reserved for 3 nights (check-in 22 January and check-out 25 January 2019) at the IBIS Styles at a discount rate (100€ including breakfast and local taxes). Participants should contact the hotel directly to book a room from these reserved rooms (Booking Code 796728).
The deadline for registering at the discounted rate is December 15th. After this date the room availability at IBIS Styles is not guaranteed.
From the hotel, the campus where the training school is held can be reached on foot.
From the airport:
Direct flights to Lyon (International airport Saint Exupery, LYS) are scheduled daily from many cities. The Rhône Express shuttle connects the airport to the train station Lyon Part-Dieu in 30 min (running from 4h25 to 00h00 every 15 minutes). Shuttle tickets can be booked online.
By train
Lyon can be conveniently accessed by train (Lyon Part-Dieu). Tramway lines T1 (bound to IUT Feyssine) and T4 (bound to La Doua/ Gaston Berger) connect to university (stop at Université Lyon 1) in 15 min.
For further enquiries, please contact Thomas Dehoux or Jérémie Margueritat with the subject header « Training school ».