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HDF5 and Brillouin Scattering Code Repositories

 The BioBrillouin community is working on a unified format and treatment protocol for data. Below are resources to locate  


HDF5_BLS is a Python library developed by Pierre Bouvet for handling Brillouin Light Scattering (BLS) data and converting it into a standardized HDF5 format. The library provides functions to open raw data files, define and import abscissa, add metadata, and save the organized data in HDF5 files. The library is currently compatible Ghost .dat and .txt files from JRS TFP as well as .tif files from 2D detectors.

.BH5 file format is a repository containing a proposed file format by Robert Prevedel and Carlo Bevilacqua to define and discuss a standard file format for Brillouin microscopy. This format contains all necessary information to analyze and interpret Brillouin data in a standard way while being flexible to accommodate data from different approaches/setups.

Hierarchical Data Format version 5 HDF5 (hierarchical data format version 5) is an open source file format to support large and complex data. Information on the hdf5 module can be found here:


In development. Check back soon!