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The relationship between glial cell mechanosensitivity and foreign body reactions in the central nervous system

P. Moshayedi, G. Ng, J. C. F. Kwok, G. S. H. Yeo, C. E. Bryant, J. W. Fawcett, K. Franze, J. Guck

Biomaterials, 35(13), 3919–3925, 2014,

Technical quality of root fillings performed by undergraduate students: a radiographic study

T. Vukadinov, L. Blažić, I. Kantardžić, T. Lainović

Scientific World Journal, ID 751274, 6 pages, 2014,

Single-beam, dual-view digital holographic interferometry for biomechanical strain measurements of biological objects

D. V. Pantelić, D. Ž. Grujić, D. M. Vasiljević

J. Biomed Opt., 19, 127005, 2014,

Simultaneous whole-animal 3D-imaging of neuronal activity using light field microscopy

R. Prevedel, Y.-G. Yoon, M. Hoffmann, N. Pak, G. Wetzstein, S. Kato, T. Schrödel, R. Raskar, M. Zimmer, E.S. Boyden, and A. Vaziri

Nature Methods, 11, 727, 2014,

Septins promote F-actin ring formation by cross-linking actin filaments into curved bundles

M. Mavrakis, Y. Azou-Gros, F-C. Tsai, J. Alvarado, A. Bertin, F. Iv, A. Kress, S. Brasselet, G.H. Koenderink, T. Lecuit

Nature Cell Biology, 16, 322–334, 2014,

Mechanical control of the sense of touch by β-spectrin

M. Krieg, A. R. Dunn, M. B. Goodman

Nature cell biology, 16, 224–233, 2014,

Lock-in spectroscopy employing a high-speed camera and a micro-scanner for volumetric investigations of unsteady flows

A. Fischer, R. Schlüßler, D. Haufe, J. Czarske

Optics letters, 39(17), 5082-5085, 2014,

Increased Anticancer Efficacy of Intravesical Mitomycin C Therapy when Combined with a PCNA Targeting

O. A. Gederaas, C. D. Søgaard, T. Viset, S. Bachke, P. Bruheim, C. J. Arum, M. Otterlei

Peptide. Transl Oncol.Dec, 7(6), 812-823, 2014,

Differential nuclear expression of Yap in basal epithelial cells across the cornea and substrates of differing stiffness

J. W. Foster, R. R. Jones, C. A. Bippes, R. M. Gouveia, C. J. Connon

Exp Eye Res, 127, 37-41, 2014,

A single-photon avalanche camera for fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy and correlation spectroscopy

M. Vitali, D. Bronzi, A. J. Krmpot, S. Nikolić, F. Schmitt, C. Junghans, S. Tisa, T. Friedrich, V. Vukojević, L. Terenius, F. Zappa, and R. Rigler

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 20, 344, 2014,