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Viscoelasticity of amyloid plaques in transgenic mouse brain studied by Brillouin microspectroscopy and correlative Raman analysis

Sara Mattana, Silvia Caponi, Francesco Tamagnini, Daniele Fioretto, Francesca Palombo

JIOHS, 10, 1742001, 2017,

Transmission of multiple signals through an optical fiber using wavefront shaping

D. Haufe, N. Koukourakis, L. Büttner, J. Czarske

J Vis Exp., 121, e55407, 2017,

Scattering-enhanced absorption and interference produce a golden wing color of the burnished brass moth, Diachrysia chrysitis

D. Pantelić, S. Savić-Šević, D. V. Stojanović, S. Ćurčić, A. J. Krmpot, M. Rabasović, D. Pavlović, V. Lazović, V. Milošević

Phys. Rev., E 95, 032405, 2017,

Pneumatic stimulation of C. elegans mechanoreceptor neurons in a microfluidic trap

A. L. Nekimken, H. Fehlauer, A. A. Kim, S. N. Manosalvas-Kjono, P. Ladpli, F. Memon, D. Gopisetty, V. Sanchez, M. B. Goodman, B. L. Pruitt, M. Krieg

Lab Chip, 17(6), 1116-1127, 2017,

Organ sculpting by patterned extracellular matrix stiffness

J. Crest, A. Diz-Muñoz, D. Y. Chen, D. A. Fletcher, D. Bilder

eLife, 6:e24958, 2017,

Mapping of hemoglobin in erythrocytes and erythrocyte ghosts using two photon excitation fluorescence microscopy

K. Bukara, S. Jovanić, I. T. Drvenica, A. Stančić, V. Ilić, M. D. Rabasović, D. Pantelić, B. Jelenković, B. Bugarski, A. J. Krmpot

J Biomed Opt, 22(2), 026003, 2017,

High-performance versatile setup for simultaneous Brillouin-Raman microspectroscopy

F. Scarponi, S. Mattana, S. Corezzi, S. Caponi, L. Comez, P. Sassi, A. Morresi, M. Paolantoni, L. Urbanelli,C. Emiliani

Physical Review X, 7, 031015-1-031015-11, 2017,

Genetic defects in β-spectrin and tau sensitize C. elegans axons to movement-induced damage via torque-tension coupling

M. Krieg, J. Stühmer, J. G Cueva, R. Fetter, K. Spilker, D. Cremers, K. Shen, A. R Dunn, M. B Goodman

eLife, 6:e20172, 2017,

Controlling the 3D architecture of Self-Lifting Auto-generated Tissue Equivalents (SLATEs) for optimized corneal graft composition and stability

R. M. Gouveia, E. González-Andrades, J. C. Cardona, C. González-Gallardo, A. M. Ionescu, I. Garzon, M. Alaminos, M. González-Andrades, C. J. Connon

Biomaterials, 121, 205-219, 2017,