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Surface roughness and morphology of dental nanocomposites polished by four different procedures evaluated by a multifractal approach

Ş. Ţălu, S. Stach, T. Lainović, M. Vilotić, L. Blažić, S. Florin Alb, D. Kakaš

Applied Surface Science, 330, 20-29, 2015,

Studies of the photosensitizer disulfonated meso-tetraphenyl chlorin in an orthotopic rat bladder tumor model

Y.Baglo, Q.Peng, L. Hagen, K. Berg, A. Høgset, F. Drabløs, OA. Gederaas

Photodiagnosis Photodyn. Ther., 12(1), 58-66, 2015,

Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Microscopic Imaging

C. W. Ballmann, J. V. Thompson, A. J. Traverso, Z. Meng, M. O. Scully, V. V. Yakovlev

Scientific reports, 5, 18139-18139, 2015,

Quantification of plaque stiffness by Brillouin Microscopy in experimental thin cap fibroatheroma

G. Antonacci, R. M. Pedrigi, A. Kondiboyina, V. V. Mehta, R. de Silva, C. Paterson, R. Krams, P. Török

J R Soc Interface, 12(112), 20150843, 2015,

Photochemical internalization of bleomycin and temozolomide – in vitro studies on the glioma cell line F98

OA. Gederaas, A. Hauge, PG. Ellingsen, K. Berg, D. Altin, T. Bardal, A. Høgset, M. Lindgren

Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 14(7), 1357-1366, 2015,

Nonlinear Microscopy of Chitin and Chitinous Structures: a Case Study of Two Cave-Dwelling Insects

M. D. Rabasović, D. V. Pantelić, B. M. Jelenković, S. B. Ćurčić, M. S. Rabasović, M. D. Vrbica, V. M. Lazović, B. P. M. Ćurčić, A. J. Krmpot

J Biomed Opt, 20(1), 016010, 2015,

Dual Raman-Brillouin microscope for chemical and mechanical characterization and imaging

A. J. Traverso, J. V. Thompson, Z. A. Steelman, Z. Meng, M. O. Scully, V. V. Yakovlev

Analytical chemistry, 87 (15), 7519-7523, 2015,